Homee Brain disconnects Suptamatic E4

Dear Tech Support,
I am writing to report a synchronization issue between my Homee smart home bridge and my Hörmann Supramatic E4 garage door opener, which began this past weekend (Saturday or Sunday 8/9 March).

Prior to this, the system functioned correctly.

Problem Description:
The Homee app is displaying an incorrect status for the Supramatic E4. Specifically:

  • When the garage door is fully open (100%), the app shows „Opening.“
  • When the garage door is fully closed (100%), the app shows „Closing.“
  • The „UP“/ “DOWN” buttons in the app continuously shows a refreshing animation respectively
  • While I previously experienced occasional delays in status updates when using the remote control, the manual refresh option in the app no longer resolves the issue.
  • After some time Supramatic E4 gets disconneced and it is shown as unavailable.

This problem is isolated to the Supramatic E4; my Hörmann Lineamatic opener continues to function correctly with Homee. Also bluetooth application (BlueSecur) works OK with Supramatic E4, remotes work normally.

Troubleshooting Steps Taken:
I have attempted the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Soft reset of the Homee hub.
  • Hard reset of the Homee hub (unplugging).
  • Removal and re-pairing of the Supramatic E4 device in the Homee app, using function 16 on the Supramatic E4.

Possible Cause:
I suspect this issue may be related to a recent Homee or Supramatic E4 software update.

Could you please investigate this issue and provide a solution? Specifically, I would like to know:

  • If a recent update could have caused this problem.
  • How to resolve the incorrect status reporting.
  • If downgrading the Homee or Supramatic E4 software is an option (how to do that?)

My System Information:

  • Supramatic E4 Software Version: 00174813aa
  • Homee Version: 2.40.2(268ae103)
  • Homee Application Version: 2.41.1 (410)
  • Service code: on request (enabled for your use)

Thank you for your assistance.


Same as:

Double post are not wellcome.

Please disregard or remove - it was not showing me that previous one was created - not intentional

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@Steffen das mit dem Schließen von Threads bleibt nun wohl mangels aktiver Moderatoren an Dir hängen

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Guten Morgen @SebMagda,

kannst du mir mal bitte ein Supportzugang in Text Form(ID: XXX PW: XXX) als PN übermitteln, dann schaue ich es mir gerne mal an. :muscle:

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