Heltun 5-fach Wandtaster

Name des Produktes: Z-Wave Wall Touch Panel Switch
Hersteller: Heltun
Technologie: Z-Wave
Funktionen (z.B.: Bewegungsmelder, Temperatursensor, Sirene…):
5-fach Aufputz-Wandtaster in sechs Farben. Jede Taste hat eine Hintergrund-Beleuchtung in blau und rot um z B. einen Gerätestatus anzuzeigen. Das Gerät hat Sensoren für Helligkeit, Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit integriert.
Jede Taste bietet 4 Modi: switch only On, switch only Off, invert, hold (switch to On when button is pressed and switch to Off when button is released)
Der Taster hat 5 relay outputs, jeder mit max 5A.
Dieser Taster ist meiner Meinung nach Ideal um Geräte zu schalten und gleichzeitig den Gerätestatus anzuzeigen. Beispielsweise ein Garagentor und über die LED-Farbe dann zu erkennen, ob das Tor offen oder geschlossen ist.

Link zum Produkt:

Weitere Infos:


• Inclusion/exclusion into/from z-wave network
• Non Secure, S0 secure, S2 unauthorized, S2 authorized
• Association control of 90 devices from network
• Independent control of each relays and LEDs
• Each relay can be controlled by any touch button or via a Z-Wave network (Z-Wave controller).
• Each touch button can be configured to control any relay (from one and up to five) output state in below modes:
• press the button and the relay output goes to ON state only
• press the button and the relay output goes to OFF state only
• press the button and the relay output inverts the state
• press the button and the relay output goes to ON for the specified time then changes back to OFF.
• press the button and the relay output goes to OFF for the specified time then changes back to ON.
• When the button is held the relay output is ON, as soon as the button is released the relay output state changes to OFF.
• When the button is held the relay output is OFF, as soon as the button is released the relay output state changes to ON.
• Each touch buttons can be used to run scenarios
• Each button backlight can be configured
• To indicate the relay output state
• To indicate the touch button state
• To indicate some mode state in the connected gateway
• To indicate the associated device state
• Software energy consumption meter logic
• Consumption meter reset
• Temperature sensors calibration
• Adjustable backlight brightness: Auto or Manual
• Factory reset
• OTA function (Firmware update over the air).


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